Most of the executive protection principals have ventured out on Mainland China and the international arena for trade and business. Apart from established business links in Southeast Asia, Europe and the U.S., past couple years also saw some started to dabble in the Middle East and Central Asia for investment opportunities offered by the Belt and Road Initiative. In view of the on-going trade disputes, geopolitical conflicts, and an increasingly regulated and complex global business environment with heightened risks of falling into pitfalls associated with various long-arm jurisdictions, Parklin Security’s Risk Management team advises clients to become a risk averse investor apprising them of common law and continental law jurisdictions, foreign laws on financial regulatory practices, export controls, national security, anti-money laundering and anti-corruption laws, indemnification from legal actions, international arbitration practice, as well as sharia law (Muslim religious law) in view of the Belt and Road Initiative’s impact on the world.